5 Best Foods In The World 

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5 Best Foods In The World - Eat Them To Feel And Look Great


Peking duck (China)

A delicious dish in China is Peking duck, a duck slowly baked in the oven following a lengthy preparation process.


Sushi (Japan)

A one of a kind Japanese dish known for its lavish taste and artistic presentation.


Chocolate (Mexico)

The earliest uses of cocoa were in Mexico, and the Mayans were the first to establish a cocoa plantation. 


Pizza Napoletana (Italy)

Neapolitan pizza is known to have an exceptional reputation as an International dish. It is protected by an organization established in 1984.


Massaman Curry

The most important part of this meal is the curry sauce dressing, which contains fish sauce, coconut milk, tamarind, potato, onion, peanuts, etc., and hot chili.

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